Incurable Cancer: New Book "I Am Living to Tell" Explains How One Woman Beat It and Remains Cancer-Free Seven Years Later...
This is an actual study comparing the metabolism of brains of people undergoing chemotherapy. It clearly showed decreased functions in certain brain areas that explains the "chemo brain" phenomenon...
I found this website where Salvatore Iaconesi posted all his medical records and had people offer helpI find it amazing, we should have more of this...
If there's one treatment that works 100% for cancer, its this… HappinessPeople sneer or become so cynical how happiness can cure cancer. People spends thousands to millions to get treatments or take highly sophisticated protocols and infinite numbe... of a single mother with stage 4 breast cancer... and be aware of the risk of taking non-sugar sweeteners...
We had a patient who received daily IM injections of stem cells as well as weekly intravenous stem cell therapyUnfortunately the lung cancer grew. Looked into stemcells as lung cancer treatment yielded almost no studies published on the web except ht...